A Sacrificial Offering
In honor of the 130 Ash trees lost to the Emerald Ash Borer at Thompson Park
A Sacrificial Offering is a narrative about the response to a crisis whether self inflicted or caused by thoughtless actions of others. In a literal sense, sacrifice is a surrender of something held dear for the sake of a more pressing claim. The effort to preserve the Ash trees destroys the very trees we hope to save.
Since its 2002 discovery in North America, the emerald ash borer has reached 30 states, killing millions of trees and causing tens of millions of dollars in damage. The Asian beetle first appeared near Detroit; by 2003, it had spread to northern Ohio and, by 2005, central Ohio. Columbus officials estimate they have removed 17,000 ash trees since 2011 in an effort to prevent further infestation. American Electric Power, which began an ash-removal program in 2013, toppled 13,000 trees in 2014 alone. Recent research indicates several other native tree species are under attack from this voracious insect that goes unchallenged by natural selection.